I'm always trying to encapsulate how we, as emotional beings, interact with the world and the machines and technology around us - being able to emote through those things. They're not antithetical or mutually exclusive. 1 The development of writing and the visual organization of life made possible the discovery of individualism, introspection and so on. 2 My phone, or rather what my phone connected me to- the internet, had changed the way I operated, and perhaps, even, who I was. 3 Although internet culture comes into being through complex technical ensembles, it is characterized by a change that is very difficult to grasp unless it is experienced over time. 4 Any invention or technology is an extension or self-amputation of our physical bodies, and such extension also demands new ratios or new equilibriums among the other organs and extensions of the body. 2


1. Pasori, Cedar, and SOPHIE. Pop wunderkind SOPHIE synthesizes human and machine voices. Other. Interview, 2017. https://www.interviewmagazine.com/music/sophie-its-okay-to-cry-interview.